If your finances are getting you down, how can you get back on track? For some, the answer may be to get a second job. In some cases, you can boost your income and help reduce your debt by getting a second job. This is a good … [Read more...] about Second Job, or File Bankruptcy?
Personal Finance
Ohio Is One Of The Top 10 States For Bankruptcy Filings – Why?
The number of bankruptcy filings fluctuates over time. For example, filings went way up around the 2008 financial crisis and has slowly dropped off as the economy recovers, It also varies by geographic location; some areas … [Read more...] about Ohio Is One Of The Top 10 States For Bankruptcy Filings – Why?
Budgeting Basics: Keep Your Wallet Happy
In our hectic lives, it seems like there's never quite enough time or money. There's no way to squeeze more hours into a day, but there is a way to squeeze more bang out of your buck (and put some away for a rainy day). And it … [Read more...] about Budgeting Basics: Keep Your Wallet Happy