Student loans are hard enough to deal with even once you've finished your degree, but what happens when your school closes before you graduate? That's the dilemma ITT Tech students are currently facing as the school closes its … [Read more...] about ITT Tech Shutdown and Your Student Loans
Student Loans
Obama Offers Student Loan Forgiveness For Disabled People
The Obama administration has embarked on a new initiative to offer student loan forgiveness to disabled people. They're planning to discharge nearly $8 billion of student loan debt, affecting 400,000 people. A New Push For … [Read more...] about Obama Offers Student Loan Forgiveness For Disabled People
Is Student Loan Debt Headed for a Cliff?
Last updated April 21, 2018. We've all heard about student loan debt in the news. Lots of us have student loan debt ourselves. We hear a lot about how millennials won't be able to buy their own homes or save for retirement. If … [Read more...] about Is Student Loan Debt Headed for a Cliff?
Can I modify my student loans?
Student loans are all over the news. Student loan debt has risen to over $1 trillion and it just keeps growing. The average student borrower has an outstanding balance of almost $30,000. Students are graduating into a difficult … [Read more...] about Can I modify my student loans?