Losing your job. Opening the day’s mail and seeing a big, unexpected medical bill you can’t pay for. Never feeling like those credit cards will ever get under control. These are just a few of the reasons why people in Dayton … [Read more...] about How Many People Filed for Bankruptcy in Dayton in 2016?
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 Means Test 2015
Chapter 7 bankruptcy offers debtors serious relief. In a chapter 7 bankruptcy, you surrender non-exempt property to the court. That property is sold and used to pay your creditors. The rest of your unsecured debts are then … [Read more...] about Chapter 7 Means Test 2015
The Big Ohio Bankruptcy List
Last updated Aug. 31, 2017. If you're considering filing for bankruptcy, if you're struggling with debt and wondering what your options are, or if you're just curious about the bankruptcy process and rules in Ohio, then you've … [Read more...] about The Big Ohio Bankruptcy List
What’s more dangerous: credit card or mortgage debt?
If you’re struggling to make ends meet, you may be facing tough choices. Pay the mortgage or pay the credit card bill? When making that decision, consider how each of these debts is treated in bankruptcy. In the United States, … [Read more...] about What’s more dangerous: credit card or mortgage debt?
Getting a Mortgage After Bankruptcy in Ohio
Last updated Oct. 30, 2017. You probably already know that filing for bankruptcy is going to affect your credit score. Most people emerge from bankruptcy with a credit score in the range of 500 out of a possible 850. Your … [Read more...] about Getting a Mortgage After Bankruptcy in Ohio
Will My Children Be Left with My Debts If I Die?
Last updated March 29, 2018. When a family member dies, there are often many tasks that need to be performed to put all of the deceased’s affairs in order. There may be a will to file with a probate court; there may be property … [Read more...] about Will My Children Be Left with My Debts If I Die?